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Torah School


Our vision is to provide lifelong Jewish learning. Our goal is to foster a deep and meaningful commitment to Jewish living. In raising a Jewish child, the responsibility is shared by the family, the school and the community. The triangle of child-parent-teacher is a most powerful model for lifelong Jewish learning. 


“Learning + Believing + Belonging = Jewish Continuity”

To achieve this, our Torah School and Torah Academy graduates will reach the following goals by the student’s Confirmation year:

  1. Affirm Jewish identity by an understanding of Jewish philosophy, observance and our people’s past and present.

  2. Develop a life style that bears witness to the teaching of Torah, morality and ethics.

  3. Demonstrate a respect for and knowledge of Hebrew.

  4. Practice and value prayer.

  5. Understand and celebrate Shabbat, the festivals and holy days, and observe the Jewish ceremonies that mark significant occasions.

  6. Demonstrate self respect, respect for family, the family and others in the community.

  7. Develop a commitment to the Jewish community here and to Jews around the world.

  8. Affirm a bond with Israel.

  9. Demonstrate a concern for justice, freedom and peace.

  10. Support and participate in the life of the Temple.



Hebrew and Prayer Goals

  1. To inspire students to experience Jewish prayer, to confirm that prayer connects us with God and links us to other Jews and Jewish communities, past, present and future.

  2. To give students an appreciation for the power and beauty of Jewish worship, as a driving force that brings our community together; to promote in students a generous attitude so they give both time and resources to the temple community and the community at large.

  3. To teach students the history of the major prayers.

  4. To teach students the choreography of the Jewish prayer and synagogue skills, so that they can participate comfortably and competently in worship services and in all Jewish life cycle events.

  5. To incorporate basic Modern Hebrew conversational vocabulary.

  6. To enable students to formulate their own philosophy of the traditional prayers and write their own prayers and blessings where appropriate.

  7. To give students an understanding of the main themes of the traditional prayers, as well as key Hebrew words; to teach prayer literacy and Hebrew language fluency as it relates to prayer, with a strong emphasis on Jewish concepts and values.

  8. To create a nurturing Jewish environment where students will have an opportunity to express their individuality and creativity.

  9. To develop in students the realization that the Jewish people have been am ehad-one people- over the ages and across the globe. Yet, the Jewish people have panim rabot-many faces, as well as diverse customs and experiences.

  10. To stimulate Jewish pride in students and to encourage them to act in consonance with Jewish ideas and ideals.


Post Academy, for Grade 11 and Grade 12, meets twice a month on Wednesday evenings, October through May. As students discuss issues of importance in their lives, within a Jewish framework, they develop their voice in the assembly of our people, as well as the community at large. As they head into the world beyond high school, we prepare them to consider the paths they will take, and the decisions they will make, from a Jewish perspective.






Torah School Academy and Beyond!

The Torah School Academy, for Grade 8, Grade 9 and Grade 10, meets weekly on Wednesday evenings. The Academy year is divided into four quarters, with courses designed to reinforce Jewish identity and connections. Students choose a mix of required courses (Comparative Judaism, Modern Israel, and The Holocaust) with electives (Cooking Holiday Foods, Film, Art, and Tikkun Olam, Social Action). The Grade 10 Confirmation Program includes a trip to Washington, D.C., to the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center, and actively become engaged in the governmental process to promote their discussions and projects. A Confirmation Service on Shavuot is created and led by the students under the guidance of the Rabbi and Cantor.


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